School of Management has achieved significant milestones in AACSB International Business Certification

Publisher 🫔:丁緒武Release time:2022-01-09Number of views👩🏿‍🏭:10

On April 20th, 2021, the School of Management received an e-mail notification from The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), and officially passed the approval of the AACSB Eligibility Application (EA), which marked that our school officially entered the interactive phase of AACSB certification and was a significant milestone in the AACSB certification process.

 The certification process of AACSB includes four stages: obtaining membership, obtaining certification qualification, obtaining formal certification and maintaining certification qualification. The AACSB Certification Committee holds regular meetings every year to vote and approve the eligibility applications submitted by business schools in various countries, which is an important step for AACSB to measure whether a business school has the certification conditions. Obtaining AACSB eligibility qualification means the preliminary affirmation from AACSB in personnel training, teacher construction, scientific research and teaching guarantee, which indicates that the business school has fully met the basic conditions of AACSB certification standard.


With the strong support of school leaders and functional departments, the AACSB certification office was established in June 2020. In July 2020, the School of Management applied for membership in AACSB, and became a full member as soon as the one-time submission materials were approved immediately. After that, the School of Management mobilized all teachers and students to participate in the process, widely collected and adopted opinions, in order to determine the mission, vision, strategy and other goals of the School. After many expert seminars and consultation meetings, it was finally determined that all 16 bachelor's degree majors and 9 master's degree majors related to management would participate in the certification. It took seven months before the eligibility application report (EA) was completed and submitted with high quality, and it was successfully passed once again by February 2021. Our school's serious attitude towards AACSB certification, the speed of promoting certification and the quality of submitting relevant report materials have been highly recognized and evaluated by AACSB Certification Committee.


The approval of EA of the School of Management is a significant achievement made by the joint efforts of all teachers and students, and is also an affirmation of the school in personnel training, scientific research and teacher construction. In the future, the School of Management, focusing on the mission and vision of the school, will take AACSB certification as an opportunity to further promote the development and improvement of teaching, scientific research, management, cooperation and exchange in the aspects of personnel training, scientific research, teacher construction, and make full preparations for the entry of AACSB certified tutors and the comprehensive construction of learning guarantee system (AOL).


AACSB-the Association to Advance College Schools of Business, was founded in 1916. As a non-profit organization composed of international university business schools, associations and other institutions, it is committed to improving and promoting the level of higher education in business, and now recognized as the primary certification organization of business schools all over the world.

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